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The Social Audit

SEi is all about innovation. Today, we are thrilled to introduce our groundbreaking Social Audit, meticulously crafted for:


  • Socially and purpose-driven organisations of all sizes  

  • Social Enterprises 

  • NGOs 

  • Sustainable investors & Venture Capitalists


In essence, people and organisations passionately alligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs

 If these ideas resonate with you, then you're in the right place. 

What it is? 

The Social Audit is an in-depth, organisational wide analysis of the company’s social, sustainable and innovation metrics and key performance indicators. 


We focus on the Social component in a organisation, as part of the ESG+ (Environmental, Social and Governance). We call it "+" because it also includes Business and Profit, as part of the Triple Bottom Line Framework (People, Planet, Profit).

The Social Audit starts by appointing a Social Champion within the organisation, that will act as the driver and catalyst for sustainable change and transformation.

This learning programme is flexible and delivered in consultation with the Team across 3 key phases of Discovery, Design and Development.

Hoes does it work? 

We design a learning pathway along the 7 Key Pillars of the Social Audit:

7 Key Pillars.png

But why? 

The Social Audit isn't just a compliance tool; it's a strategic compass guiding organizations toward holistic success for their funders, investors and stakeholders.


By considering not only financial indicators but also social and environmental factors, our methodology ensures a balanced approach to decision-making. It empowers organizations to align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) while maximizing their positive impact.


In choosing Social Enterprise International, you're not just adopting a service — you're embracing a transformative journey. This has proven to have an incredible impact within teams, as they become inspired and motivated, driving performance. 


Join us in redefining the standards of social enterprise excellence and discover the profound influence of sustainable impact.

Supernova Ecosystem (Indonesia)

"The Social Audit was an inspiring and rewarding experience for us. The entire team enjoyed it and we fully recommend it". 
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